Women often need comforting. Not that they are weak – it is rather a form of tenderness their body, mind and soul is longing for, a connection signalling: you are not alone, I will be with you, I am with you, you can rely on me. It is a form of tenderness that creates warmth and happiness. Consolation can be a question like, “Oh, you look a little pale, are you all right?” or a hug when a woman seems to be frustrated, or just a little smile.
Most women are social beings, they enjoy being in a group and feel rather frightened of being alone. Solitude is not yet a part of the female tradition, on the contrary: women were not allowed to be alone.
A woman’s life is centred around her body. Her body is an object of both pleasure and exploitation. Some women succeed in making their bodies an active and vitally positive element of their lives. Women care for the bodies of others, such as the elderly and the ill. Their own body gives life to other bodies. The outside world is reflected and felt in their bodies, a process of give and take, an exchange in which the woman is both object and subject. She receives the semen, she gives the blood and bears the child. She receives adoration and gives love.
Women want and need the freedom to express themselves, but often they do not dare to show it and live it out. For them, an atmosphere of understanding and positive thinking is vital because they have not yet developed so many mechanisms for overcoming obstacles or resistance. Dialogue is a pleasant way of solving problems.
Women often still need to find their individual means of expression. It is most vital not to intervene out of the belief that this might support her. It is essential to let her find her own way of living out her personality and to assist her in this attempt. It is worth it, as she will be very grateful for all the patience that she really needs.