The Rot Starts at the Top

How terrible when the powerful break the law, unhinging the world, spreading fear and terror as laws no longer apply. How dangerous when the powerful believe that they can break the law thus devaluing law. How unspeakable when the mighty command others to break the … weiterlesen

All Borders Are Lies

There was a time in Germany when German language was blooming in noble spirit and quest for truth. Then wars were started and even won and new ones invented. Thus the time came when the books were burning in flames of denunciation. Objection was locked … weiterlesen

Radiant Victors

Surrounding themselves With consultants wo advise them to do what they long since decided for they seek not the best solution but victory. Not a victory that would be best for all but the one that is best for themselves. Driven by arrogance, selfishness, greed, … weiterlesen


There are wounds which do not heal for decades which are left behind so that life can go on  However, these wounds still hurt when you look back which happens sometimes  The deeper these wounds were and are the longer it takes to heal them … weiterlesen

The Wet Poet Society

For seven nights we were together working  Letting the bells of our souls start resounding losing the fear of showing our weakness  Also because it was the truth and the love we were seeking and finding Marion Schneider