Dear Americans!

In your country it is permitted to lie, and it is difficult to stop a liar because this is supposed to be freedom of speech. As a German historian, I assure you that nothing is more dangerous for a democracy than permission to lie unpunished. … weiterlesen


February, 2009 It was my first time in India, and I stayed only in one particular state: Goa. So what I will write is limited. Moreover, Goa is not a typical Indian state (which one is, anyway?), as several Indians and non-Indians informed me. Goa … weiterlesen

Hong Kong

January 6th, 1997 My dear Jocelyne! Klaus and I were invited to Hong Kong and Bali for New Year’s Eve and the first half of January as a birthday present. We stayed in Hong Kong from December 29 until today. It is winter in Hong … weiterlesen


12/2011 – 01/2012 Visiting Cuba means visiting a challenge. You will have to question yourself about the value of safety, security, and social harmony on the one hand hand, together with good health care, good education, and the absence of starvation and extreme poverty, compared … weiterlesen