
In Greek Mythology, Eros is the god of love, known by the Romans under the name of Amor. Eros was the son of the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, and Ares, the Greek god of war; thus bow and arrow were in his blood … weiterlesen

Lilith and Eve

It is known from the bible and from other records that Adam rejected his first female companion as she was too independent. Therefore, God gave him a new partner made from Adam’s own rib so that she would be devoted to him and that harmony … weiterlesen

Male World

In our dominant world culture, the male world is one of success. Men have to be winners. Men are to provide for their families and to have power. If men are friendly with one another, they will support and help each other in this task; … weiterlesen

About Women

Women often need comforting. Not that they are weak – it is rather a form of tenderness their body, mind and soul is longing for, a connection signalling: you are not alone, I will be with you, I am with you, you can rely on … weiterlesen