The Erotic Lives of Women

Buchcover »The erotic lives o

Linda Troeller / Marion Schneider: The Erotic Lives of Women.

35 Interviews mit Frauen aus der ganzen Welt über ihr erotisches Leben zusammen mit ausdrucksstarken Fotos.

CD »The Erotic lives of women«

What does the word “erotic” mean to you? What was your first erotic experience? What was your strongest erotic experience?

About love

We can love an infinite number of people. There are no limits to our capacity to care emotionally for another person, to accept and express our feelings towards others. Love can find many and varied expressions. The smile we give a waiter, a friendly greeting … weiterlesen


In Greek Mythology, Eros is the god of love, known by the Romans under the name of Amor. Eros was the son of the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, and Ares, the Greek god of war; thus, bow and arrow were in his blood … weiterlesen