A Politic for Health and Happiness

Economic stability is an elementary prerequisite for personal happiness, for ourselves as individuals as well as for ourselves as a nation. The forces which have helped form our economic wealth have not been accorded due recognition. Successful politics is based upon successful economic policy. The … weiterlesen


Every single human being has a mother and a father. This is something that connects all of us to each other – as well as the fact that all humans come from one single source, if we follow the generations back to the origins of … weiterlesen

The Earth

What if the earth is like our body? What if the water is her blood, the oil the lymphatic system, the minerals her brain? We take this from her and take it for granted. Her precious liquids such as oil are replaced by water, and … weiterlesen

Winner Linda Troeller

Linda won Honorable Mention for Orgasm Photographs and Interviews, Daylight 2014 by Linda Troeller and Marion Schneider from the International Photo Awards. The photos were chosen from almost 18,000 images. The awards are given Oct 27 at Carnegie Hall, NYC. Honorable mentions receive a certificate but not … weiterlesen