It is known from the bible and from other records that Adam rejected his first female companion as she was too independent. Therefore, God gave him a new partner made from Adam’s own rib so that she would be devoted to him and that harmony between the sexes and people be created. It could easily have been the other way around with man being made from Lilith’s rib, however – this is my interpretation – woman was already invested with the power to bear and nurture children and was as such already stronger than man, so that this was most probably a way of compensation. As part of his body she became dependent upon him. Religious Jewish men still thank their God every day (often repeatedly) that they do not have to be a woman.
Are women as dependent as the bible says? When a woman loves with all her heart, her body becomes dependent upon that of her partner, her partner becomes part of her, and the loved one the centre of the world. Woman’s highest pleasure is in the total devotion to her lover and the lover’s devoted act of love, a prolonged and extensive act for the benefit of both partners and the happiness of the woman. As long as her love and happiness does not become clouded and her lover or other events do not destroy her trust, all her fibres, cells, every drop of blood belong to her lover. That is the essence of female love.
The freedom-loving Lilith was banished to the past and woman’s relinquishment of freedom has never been accorded due recognition. This must change in order to reach peace between the sexes and in the world. It is time for men to recognise the high level of responsibility they have towards women. They determine the happiness, health and well-being of women. It is their duty to devote their actions and fruits of their labours to the benefit of women instead of squandering it on destructive men’s games.
Respect for womankind automatically includes respecting nature, its beauty, harmony and sensuousness. What happiness would be possible if men were to put their efforts into the conservation and care of nature and together with women were to strengthen what is present and what is to come in accordance with the rules and harmonies of the whole.